HHS Secretary Testifies before House and Senate Committees on Budget Request

May 1, 2024

EGWP marketplace medicaid Medicare

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, testified twice before Congress on the 2025 Budget Request for HHS. However, these hearings are rarely limited to the budget request because members often take the opportunity to highlight their own health policy priorities or ask questions on top-of-mind issues.

During the Senate Appropriations HHS Subcommittee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked Sec. Becerra about cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA) with Becerra replying that funding for MA managed care plans has increased every year under the Administration and that costs increases to beneficiaries are the fault of insurance companies.

In the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing, Chairman Brett Guthrie (R-KY) raised concerns about premium increases in Medicare Part D, with Sec. Becerra arguing that insurance companies need to present information to CMS on why they are claiming they need to increase premiums. In addition to a wide range of issues discussed, members also raised concerns regarding subsidies to health insurers because of the ACA and consolidation in the health care sector.

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